Why No One Tells You This: The One Exercise That Will Change Your Life – How to Start Exercising From Zero

Why No One Tells You This: The One Exercise That Will Change Your Life – How to Start Exercising From Zero

Why No One Tells You This: The One Exercise That Will Change Your Life – How to Start Exercising From Zero

I was seeing a patient the other day who hadn’t done much exercise in her life. She was thin but felt weak, out of breath, and generally unfit. We talked about how someone like her could start their fitness journey from scratch, even as a complete beginner. I thought I’d share this advice here, hoping to motivate others looking to start exercising from zero.

How to Start Exercising as a Beginner

What no one tells you is that starting your fitness journey doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The key is to begin small. James Clear, in his book Atomic Habits, emphasises starting with small, manageable actions that build momentum over time. By setting tiny, achievable goals—like exercising for 10 minutes a day—you can create a habit that sticks. You don’t need to jump into hour-long workouts; the most important step is simply starting.

Walking Is Just the Beginning

While walking is one of the simplest and most accessible exercises for beginners, it's just one option. The best exercise for beginners is the one you enjoy and can fit easily into your daily life. Whether it’s dancing, swimming, cycling, or yoga, pick something that excites you and feels convenient. This increases the likelihood of sticking with it, and over time, you can build on your routine.

How to Get Started Today

  1. Set Small Goals – Using the Atomic Habits method, you can start with just 10 minutes of exercise a day. t’s manageable, and over time, you can increase the duration or intensity.

  2. Set a Dedicated Time – Block off time in your calendar using your mobile phone, just like you would for a meeting or an important event. Treat it as a non-negotiable commitment to yourself.

  3. Find an Exercise Buddy – Having someone to work out with keeps you motivated and accountable. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a colleague, an exercise buddy can make the journey more enjoyable.

  4. Track Your Progress – Use a fitness tracker or your phone to monitor steps or minutes spent exercising. Seeing progress can motivate you to keep going.

  5. Pick What You Enjoy – While walking is fantastic for beginners, you could try stretching, dancing in your living room, or even bodyweight exercises. The key is to enjoy what you're doing!

Common Barriers to Starting a Workout Routine

Starting a workout routine from scratch isn’t without its challenges, but most barriers are easier to overcome than they seem. Here are some common ones:

  • “I Don’t Have Time”
    You don’t need hours of spare time to get fit. By using the 
    Atomic Habits method, focus on small steps. Even 10 minutes a day adds up, and you can squeeze it in while waiting for dinner to cook or during your lunch break. It's about making it a priority, even in small chunks.

  • “I Can’t Afford a Gym Membership”
    Good news: you don’t need a gym! Walking, bodyweight exercises, and at-home workouts are all free. There are plenty of online resources with routines that require no equipment. The focus should be on starting with what you have, not waiting until everything is perfect.

  • “I’m Too Tired After Work”
    Feeling mentally exhausted after work is common, but it’s important to understand the difference between mental and physical tiredness. Often, when you feel too tired to exercise, it’s your mind that’s drained, not your body. A short workout or even a brisk walk can actually 
    boost your energy levels and leave you feeling more refreshed and focused. Physical activity releases endorphins, improving your mood and giving you a second wind to finish your day strong.

  • “I’m Too Old to Start Something New”
    Age is never a barrier to 
    starting exercise as a beginner. In fact, staying active is one of the best ways to maintain mobility, strength, and overall health as you age. Starting with gentle exercises like walking, stretching, or swimming can improve balance, reduce the risk of falls, and even reverse some effects of aging. It’s never too late to start, and every small effort counts.

  • “I Have Old Injuries That Stop Me from Exercising”
    Old injuries can feel like a roadblock, but they don’t have to be. A physiotherapist can help you safely navigate exercise despite past injuries, designing a program tailored to your specific needs. 
    Physiotherapy can also aid in strengthening the muscles around the injury, improving your mobility, and reducing pain, so you can get moving with confidence.

Final Thoughts

Remember, starting small is the key. It’s not about doing it all at once but about creating a habit. Pick an exercise you enjoy, keep your goals achievable, and watch how these small changes build into something big. There’s no better time to start than now—your future self will thank you!

Ready to start your fitness journey? Book a session with our expert physiotherapists today and let us guide you through the best exercises for beginners.

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